01 - Gnarlroot (Heroic)

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  • Dodge purple frontal, and orange swirlies.
  • If you get the big red circle, activate lashers.
  • During intermission, soak small red rings and then burn the roots with the debuff
  • NUKE boss while he is stunned after intermission


  • Big damage during Tortured Scream and intermission. Lashers apply bleeds.



Flaming Pestilence

  • Some swirlies will spawn dormant Tainted Lashers.


  • If YOU get Controlled Burn, you have 6 seconds to stand on dormant lashers to activate them.

    All remaining lashers will activate at the start of intermission

Controlled Burn

  • In the intermission phase, Gnarlroot will summon Doom Roots

    Soak Splintering Charcoal (rings) to get Ember-Charred debuff, then burn the roots.

Splintering Charcoal

  • When all of the roots are burned, Gnarlroot gains Uprooted Agony

    Gnarlroot is stunned for 20 seconds, pulses damage, and Takes 100% extra damage


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