04 - Council of Dreams (Heroic)
- todo
- Todo
- todo
Kill bosses at same time or they Rebirth
Bosses do an “Ult @ 100 Energy”
- Ults are countered by other boss’ mechanics
- Ult: Blind Rage
Only Urctos gets Tanked
Move Urctos to pip or Aerwynn to cleave
Barreling charge must hit a few players
- Reduces damage from: Thundering Impact
- Reduces damage from: Thundering Impact
Agonizing claws frontal on tank
Be mindful of Noxious blossoms on the ground
Dispell Poisonous Javelin
- Ult: Constricting thicket
- Countered by Urctos
Tank aim Barreling charge to stop cast
- Countered by Urctos
- Polymorph Bomb turns some players into ducks
- Stand on Noxious blossoms to get action button to turn back (Preen)
- Avoid turning players within 7 Yds into ducks.
- Can use to turn Urctos into duck during blind rage.
- Stand on Noxious blossoms to get action button to turn back (Preen)
- Emerald Winds knockback
- Watch for Noxious blossoms
- Ult: Song of the dragon
- Big heal absorb on players
- Run on Noxious blossoms to clear
- Polymorph Bomb turns some players into ducks