07 - Smolderon (Heroic)

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Phase 1:

  •     Run Out with Overheated

    •   Dodge Fire tornadoes when expires


  •   Be mindfull of knockback from Devour Essesce

    • When players that have Cauterizing Wound are knocked back, Pick up Living Flame orbs that float towards the boss.
      • When you get orbs, you get buffed with Living Essence
      • When Smolderon gets orbs, he gets buffed.
  • Don’t stand in fire portions of the room during World in Flames,

  • At the end of the intermission:

    •   he will cast Heating up which increases his damage by 10% for the rest of the fight.

    •   He will also cast Blazing Soul which heavily increases the damage from Blistering Heat for 30s