08 - Tindral Sageswift

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  • todo


  • Todo


  • todo

  • Constant Abilities:

  • On the first platform:

  • Tindral will turn into a Giant Moonkin

  • Intermission

  • Tindral will turn into a giant owl

  •   Knockback from Typhoon

  •   Pickup an Empowered Feather to Fly To Next Platform

    • While Flying:

      • GREEN Orbs BUFF YOU


  •   When you get to the next platform, Quickly Break Shield and Interrupt Supernova

  • Second Platform

  • Deal with all the Constant Abilities

  • Tindral will turn into a GIANT TREANT

  • Another Intermission

  • Same as the first, but the fire orbs are moving.

  • Final Platform

  • Tindral has All Abilities from the First and Second Platform

  • The flight takes place on 3 platforms with dragonriding in between
  • On all platforms:
    • Tanks soak big mushrooms
    • Staking debuff on mele strikes that is taunt swap.
    • Fire pools healing absorb/dispell?
  • On the first platform,
    • Stack to kill entangling roots
    • (Moonkin form) Dodge sunfire tornado
    • pick up feather to dragonride to next platform
      • Green orbs good. give buff.
      • Red orbs bad. take vigor and damage.
  • On the second platform,
    • When you get there, he has a big shield that you have to break before his cast finishes.
    • Everyone soak small mushrooms
    • feathers > dragonriding again
  • On the third platform,
    • Again, break the shield to stop the cast.
    • he will cast everything from the first and second platform.